Sunday, April 27, 2014

Bertold Brecht: Epic Theatre Final Performance Evaluation!

We have just completed our Epic Theatre unit with out final performance. I picked script writing, Noshin picked directing and Shubham picked Montage and all three of us were actors in the play. The biggest challenge while doing Epic theatre is to make sure there is the least amount of emotion in our sketch and to make sure it is as factual as possible. The idea is make sure that we don't make the audience feel the emotions we are feeling but we are letting them about the situation and they can have their own judgements.

 This was different from any other performance that I have participated in since it was a completely new genre that I needed to focus on. I have never done a scene with a montage running at the background, the script was quite different since it needed to be factual and precise. The stage directions were straightforward including minimum amount of props. Throughout this unit I felt I was quite engaged with the work. In the performance, I wrote the script for the performance and I also decided what type of religious segment we would use for the performance.  I would give myself a 7 on 8 on personal engagement. I would give Noshin a 7 on 8 since she memorized her lines and she gathered the pictures for the montage. I would give Shubham a 7 on 8 as well since he memorized his lines and he created the montage video. After the first draft we all had a few major problems regarding the script. Shubham had a tendency to ramble on during his chorus segments and Noshin was being too stiff. Due to this I had to change the script a little bit and we practiced on it the next few classes. I feel that all three of us worked well and understood the problems. This helped us succeed during our final performance.

Our group's final performance was quite good. We took feedback from our rough draft performance and we used it to improve upon our final performance. During the performance I forgot my lines in a segment and I interrupted Shubham. I remembered my lines afterwards but i felt that it was pretty evident in an audience perspective. I feel that the audience did understand the big issue since all the information we portrayed was very straightforward. Mina (Noshin) mentioned she was raped and her parents (Shubham and I) did not want her anymore since she was impure due to their "religion". The audience gave us feedback during our rough drafts that they enjoyed our performance and it was well portrayed. There were definitely flaws in our performance, the biggest of which would be the fact that we had too much emotion. In terms of Epic Theatre elements, we had montage, script writing and gestus. All these 3 elements molded our performance and created an effective Epic Theatre piece.

The group I'm evaluating is Ryan, Umar and Vanessa. They used scriptwriting and montage as their epic theatre elements. Their staging improved massively from their rough draft performance since they were facing the audience. Even though at one part of the scene, Umar turned around to talk to Ryan and he was facing completely away from the audience. This could have improved their performance. Their performance was based on communism and capitalism where a rickshaw puller and a maid were quarrelling over how much money the maid would pay. The rickshaw puller wanted 50 tk but the maid would give 20. Ryan was the policeman who came to fix the quarrel. Instead of saying," Pay 30 tk, I know it's not enough (for the rickshaw-puller) but if you get a few customers it would help you get a meal..." He said, " Pay 30 taka more.." which basically meant pay 50 taka since 30+20 is 50. This was a little confusing but it was a mistake on his part. Overall I understood how it related to "The Caucasian Chalk Circle". During the beginning of the, the goat herders and fruit farmers were fighting over the land and their fight was fixed after coming to a mutual decision. They had a good performance and improving these details could make it even better.

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