Thursday, May 1, 2014

Blogologues: Task 1

The history of the development of Blogologues started after two girls named Allison Goldberg and Jen Jamula invented the new and hip productions called Lively Productions. The idea of Blogologues started in the spring of 2011 and performed their first performance in New York City. Blogologues are basically a sketch comedy but there is a twist. In Bologoloues all the material that is said on stage, basically the script is derived from a blog post, tweet, craigslist, memes etc. posted online. 

These blogs can be anything, a single lady writing about her cats or even a tourists coming to visit a new place. Bologoloues also has sketches based on whatever is new on the Internet; it can even be a leaked chat message, which went viral. The first Blogologues performance was called Blogologues: Sex, Drugs & Interwebs. The reason they started making a production line of their own was because everyone came to New York to have a chance in Broadway or the latest productions and it was difficult to make the cut in that situation. Therefore Allison and Jen made a production line of their own. The main theatrical element that the use in their production is comedy. 
Their basic philosophy is to perform the internet and make sure all the hilarious posts on the internet are heard by the people in and are alive. The theatrical tradition that they used in their performance is thematic. “Blogologues is a curated, thematic internet extravaganza” (

The processes which are required in order to make a Blogologue are: 
-       Search the web for blog posts, craigslist’s posts, tweets that are funny.
-        Find out about the creators of the material they have found on the Internet such          as their jobs and what they do. Ask their permission for using the post
-       Use the blog post or tweet and play it out word for word.
-       They make sure that it is thematic and as funny as possible.

Some of the reviews that the critics have said about blogologues are that they are light hearted and extremely funny. They bring Internet alive on stage and they are true to whatever the blog post or the material on the Internet had written originally.Their plays are about any and every topic out their, starting from religion to cats. One thing that all the critics and press releases have in common is the fact they say Blogologues brings Internet alive. Some of the audience members had said that Blogologues has played out their favorite memes and funniest posts on the internet.

"" Blogologues. Lively Production, n.d. Web. <>.

"What Is Blogologues?" N.p., 30 Nov. 2012. Web. 1 May 2013. <>.

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