Thursday, January 9, 2014

A Memory Of Lizzie: Costume Design ( Lizzie)

with fluffy

I have annotated the drawings and I have written which character they are and why I chose the specific colours to signify their personality. I chose simple dresses since they aren’t well off and fancy dresses would change the setting of the scene. Since the setting of the play took place in the late 1800s, the style of clothing is quite Victorian. This means they wore long fluffy frocks

arms. They had different types of materials in clothing and also unique designs aswell.

I used these drawings as inspirations for my product. I looked up images from the Victorian era which inspired the drawings that I have made. I took help from the types of frocks they used to wear and also some of the types of designs and lengths. I know that Lizzie and her friends aren’t well off thus I didn’t add too much detail to the dresses and made it quite simple with colors that match the set
ting i.e blacks and browns.

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