Thursday, January 9, 2014

A Memory of Lizzie--Prop, music, costume and makeup choices

Prop, music, costume and makeup choices
Music: all of the music in the play will be based on this album. The music is very mysterious and creepy. It would be perfect for the whole play.
·       An axe with stains on it.
·       Red colour paint to signify blood.
·       White cloth for wall at the background.
·       A fake cat.
·       A chair and table for the scene.
·       Fake trees and grass for the playground
·       Fences
·       Backdrops as walls for her house
·       Tombstone with Styrofoam for the “funeral” game
·       A stuffed toy for Rachel
·       All the little girls will be wearing a frock with dull colours, above their knees. The frock will be of old fashions style with lace. It won’t be glamorous to suit their financial situation. The colours of the clothing will be shabby. 
·       All the boys will be wearing shirts and half/3 quarter pants. These will look much like what Oliver Twist wore in the movie. The colours will be shabby and pale, such as shades of light beige or off white.
·       All of the girls have very pale makeup on. They basically just have powder on their faces. She also has nude lipstick on, barely noticeable. Their hair is tied up in different ways such as pig tails of pony tails.
·       All the boys in the play have an “Oliver Twist” look to them. They wear shabby coloured 3 quarter of half plants with a half sleeved t-shirt. The colour’s are light beige/ off white shades. These won’t be glamorous either to suit their financial state.

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