Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Blogologues: Directors Task

The theme that we chose to portray in our Blogologues performance is “ Annoying parents”. My group consists of Hamza, Ryan, Vanessa and Saniya.  In order to make this an effective performance we will be portraying 4 different perspectives. The first perspective can be a South East Asian parents and how they treat their children. The second perspective can be a western parent and how they treat their children. The third perspective can be a child talking about how they find their parents annoying; this too can be broken down into western and south East Asian children and how they feel. The overall approach of this production piece is to make it as relatable as possible to each ethnicity and culture. The production should be light hearted and funny. The story that I want to communicate through this production is basically to show how children can be living thousands of miles away from but they can have a lot of things in common

The initial decisions that I have made are:
- We will have five scenes where 5 of us will have a separate scene of our own with a blog of our choice. 
-The parents and the children will  interchange in each scene based on the type of scene as well as the performer of that specific scene. For example: In vanessas scene, the blog is about a father speaking about her child, therefore Vanessa is the father and anyone of the other ensembles can be the child.
- The transition bits can be acted out by anyone who is suitable for the role based on their interests. I prefer the transition bits to be performed by the performers the scene is transitioning from.
- Since the blogs can be 10% our work, we can incorporate some first person aspects if the blog is written in third person.
- Merging two or more blogs of the same topic will be one be done to make it better.

This is likely to change but these are the initial decisions that I have made and hopefully we will have a great play.

Possible scenes
Scene 1
Annoying facts about parents


 Scene 2: 
I caught my son watching porn

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