Thursday, May 8, 2014

Blogologues: Task 4 pt 2

Our groups theme for this Blogologues performance is ‘Annoying parents’. There are quite a few perspectives which interests me from this theme such as annoying habits, annoying parents of different cultures, homosexual parents etc. I have mentioned some of the initial perspectives in my previous blog entry, which includes:
The initial decisions that I have made are:
- We will have five scenes where 5 of us will have a separate scene of our own with a blog of our choice. 
-The parents and the children will interchange in each scene based on the type of scene as well as the performer of that specific scene. For example: In Vanessa’s scene, the blog is about a father speaking about her child, therefore Vanessa is the father and anyone of the other ensembles can be the child.
- The transition bits can be acted out by anyone who is suitable for the role based on their interests. I prefer the transition bits to be performed by the performers the scene is transitioning from.
- Since the blogs can be 10% our work, we can incorporate some first person aspects if the blog is written in third person.
- Merging two or more blogs of the same topic will be one be done to make it better.

This blog appeals to my personality because it is quite relatable to me. It is based on an Asian teenager and why he hates his parents. It’s not the same as the way I was brought up but it’s funny because he is Asian and there are plenty of teenagers who go through the same thing.  This would showcase my abilities because it’s acting out the blog. This blog consists of ranting and I think I’m quite good at doing that.  I think we should do this blog because it shows a different culture and life of a teenager. This could be an interesting perspective to portray.

Link 2
This is the second blog that I have researched on. It is about a teenager who hates their parents and is ranting about it. This is similar to the previous blog I have found but this is more about a western teenager. This shows another perspective our theme and how different parents are. This can showcase my abilities since this is basically ranting about their hatred, which I can be good at doing.
Link 3:

This is the third blog that I researched on. I found this blog on the same website I found the previous one on. This is basically about a girl who hates the fact that her parents would not accept her boyfriend. These are all rants about how annoying their parents are and what they are doing. This can showcase my character since I’m not fantastic in acting and making people laugh but I can rant and act as if I’m mad therefore I’d be good for this performance.

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