Thursday, May 22, 2014

Blogologues: Task 8

Link to my performance :

The theme for our performance was Annoying Parents. The blog I had chosen was a blog by a Chinese immigrant to USA. He was complaining about the over expectations of his parents and how he finds them annoying. The whole performance is based on annoyance, anger, disappointment and resentment.
In this rough draft performance, I used exaggeration and an angry tone to portray the anger of the person. I tried to communicate to the audience by acting as if I’m complaining to them and explaining my situation. I tried to use techniques, which would show how I’m angry, annoyed and overall quite disappointed.
Some of the positives of my performance would be the fact that I was loud. I showed my anger and my disappointment with my facial expressions. I had hand gestures and some movements throughout the performance.
Some of the areas of improvement I would suggest for my next performance is the most obvious factor, my speech. I was quite fast and I understood what I was saying but it was probably hard for my peers to understand. I tried my best to speak as slow as possible but it was quite difficult. I will practice this for my final performance. Another improvement I could make is having a better body language. I could make better use of the stage.
The main goal for my performance is to be confident and make sure my lines are not forgotten. I want to speak slowly and articulate my words properly in order for the audience to understand. Lastly, I would like to do justice to the annoyed blog writer and portray his feelings well.

If these improvements are made for my final performance, hopefully it will be great.
Peer evaluation:

I'm evaluating Saniyas rough draft performance. Her performance was good overall. She is a quiet person in general and she was quite loud in this performance. She memorised her lines well and she seemed confident in front of the camera. It was really funny how she was narrating the scene as well as acting as the annoying parent. Some constructive feedback would be to definitely be louder. She could also articulate her words better in order for the audience to understand. Other than this, it was a good performance and making these changes would make it even better for the final performance.

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