Saturday, May 3, 2014

Blogologues: Task 2

The sketch that the Blogologues group performed was taken from a blog post called “ What tourists should know about NYC” by Robbicellis. The sketch is about a man who wrote about what New Yorkers feel like when tourists visit. It shows how the local’s aren’t really happy about the tourists.

The staging of the performance was quite simple and there were no props involved. They added a small montage at the back of the performance to act as a scenery but it was very subtle. The actors and actresses in the play left and entered the stage with no illusion. There was a curtain on the sides of the projectors which they entered through. It was a comedy piece and there was a small musical performance by the actors at the end of the scene.

The blog was by a person in New York writing about the tourists. There were some terms, which were used during the beginning, which I did not understand. They had references towards how tourists walk along the sidewalk and how it’s annoying to the New Yorkers since they get late for work. Due to the classic New Yorker accent that was portrayed by one of the characters, I had to replay that a few times to understand what they were saying. The element that I enjoyed the most was the fact that it was a comedic performance. Even though I didn’t understand the inside jokes, I understood the scene as a whole and I thought it as quite funny.

After watching this video, I feel that the reviews that were given to the group are good but as I have mentioned before, the sketch takes place in New York, which references many inside jokes. This is hard for people who are not from New York or even U.S.A to understand. The audience members were very interactive and they laughed at each scene. My opinion is not set in stone since I haven’t watched many of their performances but as of this moment, I didn’t find it extremely enjoyable.

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