Saturday, May 3, 2014

Blogologues: Task 3

I researched on the internet about funny blog posts or memes which we could act out. I tried to find more meme based posts since they can be short and we can do multiple of them to keep the audiences attention. Blogologues are always funny and they play out anything new on the internet therefore i tried to finding the newest blog on the internet.
This is the first blog that I found and I thought it was hilarious. This blog is basically about memes about the T-rex. As we know that the T-Rex has really small hands, therefore it shows some situations that the T-rex might fall into which won’t work. For example, while making the bed or holding the umbrella when it’s raining. This interests me since I find it funny and I think it would be great if it was acted out. This is the second blog that I researched on and it is very relatable to me. This blog is basically about over protective parents who try to help their children as much as they can. Whenever the child has a flue or anything, the parent tries to help them as much as they can and sometimes it can be over board. It’s hilarious and very relatable. This is the third blog I researched on. It’s basically about every thing in life which are turned into charts to put perspective into things. It’s very funny and also very relatable. There are also real charts in there taken from news sites, which they turn into memes.

The blog that I choose to create a plan for is I think we can do a lot of things with this blog and it’ hilarious.
This performance basically needs 2 people. There’s a dad and there’s a mom who text each other and talk about random things. The performance would basically be one person sitting on a seat on one side of the room and the other person sitting on another seat on the other side. They would both be looking at their phones and act as if they are texting. While texting they would “read out” what they are saying. Since the texts in the blog are quite small, they can do multiple texts. I chose this piece because it’s funny and it’s relatable.

The production elements that are needed to perform this piece are cellphones and chairs as props and a short montage at the back with the author’s name of the blog.

The picture below is what the staging would look like.

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